The main objective is to bring out the entrepreneurship in Indian and wider community. The principle behind the group is to grow and develop long-standing business relationships with other members. It is commonly understood that most companies only do business with people they know, like and trust. At our network meetings, members have the opportunity to meet and get to know like-minded individuals that can help further their businesses. YIBN enables members to support and guide each other in meaningful ways through sharing wisdom and expertise both on-line and offline
Today YIBN turned in to a new model of business support that stands for dynamic and highly active group where members freely and gladly assist other members. We run this group for the benefit of our members. We take on new ideas and are always looking for ways we can develop our group further and help members get the best results.
Our achievements have been the 2 successful entrepreneurship events conducted in Bradford in 2016 and 2018 , Global Information Technology summit(GITS 2019) at London School of Economics (LSE) and Parliament.We also had regular networking and brainstorming sessions to celebrate business achievements and bring out new ideas.
The Yorkshire Indian/ International Business Network (YIBN) brings together executives and stakeholders from the Yorkshire Business Community to meet, network, share experience, learn, build relationships and ultimately trade (where appropriate). This is all done in a relaxed and sales-free environment. It is a friendly, mutually supportive and professional networking group for local business people.
We are ‘A tightly knit group of diverse industry executives who share a homogenous interest in the advancement of the Yorkshire region’. Our members are individually vetted and reflect Yorkshire’s pride, its energy, drive and refusal to be beaten by adversity. Members include people from all walks of business life – they are owners, managers of local businesses, middle-managers who are on the way up and leading lights at large FTSE organisations. It’s a community where you will rub shoulders with serial entrepreneurs, executives and academics who have strong ties with the business world YIBN combines the best of business membership with the scale and speed advantages that social networking and technologies offer.